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Five Weeks is a Very Long Time in Recruitment

By October 22, 2015No Comments

Hello.  It’s me again.  You know, the one who used to write this blog most weeks but absconded on a European jaunt for a wee while?  No…?  Ermmmm, right then, let’s see if I can get this going again.

Firstly, thanks to Sean for keeping The Whiteboard going in my absence.  I managed to dip into his musings from time to time on my travels and can assume that, if none of you knew about his narcissism, single man status, ability to produce great work on a hangover and his genuine enjoyment for the recruitment industry, then you do now.

Secondly, thanks to my team who have rather worryingly kept things ticking along really well in my absence.  Don’t make me redundant please guys.  Judging by the fact I sit here alone this Friday, with two in the South Pacific and one in Queenstown, I assume the effort must have required an instant break.

Thirdly, returning this week has left me in little doubt that we work in the most exciting, unpredictable, exhilarating, fascinating and frustrating industry that exists in the world of business.  It can take some time away to enable a fresh view of things.  I mean, I always knew recruitment was a rollercoaster, but after removing myself from the daily hustle and rumour mill that we inhabit, I’ve returned to the table with a plate brimming with 5 weeks’ worth of condensed industry updates, and it’s a lot to take in.

Back in the 60’s then British Prime Minister Harold Wilson remarked that “…a week is a long time in politics.”

Well let me tell you, the same surely applies to recruitment, and five weeks is like an eternity compared to other industries.  A perfunctory glance at the name badges adorning the lapels and blouses of #RHUBNZ attendees this week revealed the amount of movement that happened on the internal recruitment side in my absence.

But the agency side?  Well it’s been shaken up more than our good Wellingtonian friends recently.  From C-level resignations, GM-level sackings, tales of infidelity, management take overs and brewing acquisitions to be revealed in the coming weeks, it’s all been happening.  Buy hey, it’s keeping me busy and after so many years involved in this surging, seething, swaying, human-driven industry I can’t help but love it.

It’s good to be back!

There’s plenty happening in the run up to Christmas so I look forward to catching up with a lot of you again between now and then.  The SEEK Awards are on 12th November and the second “AucklandRec Meetup” is on 26th November.  But remember, just because it looks like the PowWow and and is in the same location as the PowWow, it’s not the PowWow.  That’s happening the week after on 3rd December – more details to come soon.

Enjoy the long weekend #NZRec.

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.