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The Beginning Of The End

By November 30, 2017No Comments

Here we are then.  1st December.  The beginning of the end.  The end of the year, that is, but maybe the end of other things you’ve all got kind of used to as well.  Next week is going to be the last time I write a regular blog post here on The Whiteboard.  I will probably still chip in from time to time as I really do have far too much to say about this industry of ours, and for the past eight years it’s been a much-needed outlet for my love of writing too, but it is time for some new voices.

Luckily we have them here at Rice so it’s not necessarily the end of The Whiteboard entirely.  Sean‘s bellicose bleatings will continue to appear here from time to time, the new doyen of agency rec-to-rec Scott will give some fresh perspectives on goings on in agency land, and we’re thrilled to welcome the talented Tash to the team on the in-house & HR side too.  She seems pretty capable to string a sentence together and isn’t short on opinions either – so plenty to look forward to in 2018.

Not a lot else to say this week as my voice has been monopolised by back-to-back launch events for our new business Joyn in Christchurch and Auckland and this morning my brain is swimming in treacle and static. The events felt like an entirely appropriate way to kick off the silly season though, and next week it’s Rice Consulting’s turn with our eponymous RicePowWow recruitment networking event. The Christmas version is always a good time, with a well-stocked bar, heaps of ham, general recruitment networking japery and, back by popular demand, Mikey Mike on the mic.

Xmas powwow 2017

That’s not Mikey Brown above, but you can RSVP to the powwow by clicking on the picture, so go on, you might have a good time.

Thanks for listening this year, it’s been quite a transformative one for us as a business and I’m excited for what 2018 has in store. I look forward to catching up with all you lovely recruiters next week. Enjoy your silly seasons.

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.