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Beware the Rec-to-Rec “Troll”!

By September 27, 20122 Comments

It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of those e-mail threads of crazy recruitment methods or behaviours going viral.  Either recruitment has entered an extended period of grace (if only), or the explosion of social media sharing, liking and retweeting has reduced the humble e-mail thread to an old-fashioned afterthought.

An impressive one started circling the UK this week though, and just has to be shared.  It found its way to my inbox a couple of days ago at the same time it took off amongst UK recruiters.  It almost beggars belief how the rec-to-rec consultant involved believes her style of delivery is in any way appropriate.  I know the UK recruitment sector is fast-paced, competitive and highly transactional, but this “consultant” takes CV flicking reverse marketing and candidate pushing objection handling to extreme new levels.

I was going to simply copy and paste the thread onto The Whiteboard but then realised I’ve been beaten to it by a UK recruitment blogger.  At the risk of this rec-to-rec “troll” turning her attentions my way and posting me anthrax in the mail, I think it better to simply direct you to the blog post here and see for yourself.  As a taster though, here is one of the more impressive responses made by the rec-to-rec consultant after being told that her candidate was known to that firm, and by their Principal Consultant Ashley, and would be a “no” from them:

“I’ve got 2 outstanding references on him, I wouldn’t take ashleys word for it! Lol  he’s a complete idiot, I rang him on the weekend and he started throwing a tantrum like a 3 year old girl because I said hello it’s Vicki from Wen in a friendly voice,  if people like Ashley can make it in to your company, my candidate is of much higher integrity than thatlow life ashley”

Incredible really, but there’s a lot more.  If you want to see the whole thread shoot me an e-mail and see for yourself.  This girl needs help, and I hope she gets some soon.

In more positive news for our industry, thanks for all of you who attended the second Quarterly social recruiting PowWow at Generator last night.  It was great to see some familiar faces, meet social media connections in person, and meet some new faces too.  Photos will be up on the Rice Consulting Facebook page later and we will be doing it all again at the end of the next Quarter around mid-December.  Hope to see you then.

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.


  • Craig says:

    Hi Jon,
    Thanks for bringing this to a wider audience.  Individual’s like this are the conduit for Recruitment Bad Press. It should be highlighted in induction training for those new to Recruitment as the worst of all possible behaviour. What makes me sad is that we (the rec2rec industry) have to put up with someone from our industry throwing up garbage like this – the more we out her, hopefully the quicker her career ends… Cheers Craig

  • Lee says:

    Hi Jon,
    Thanks for your insightful post along with the link to another blog which details this trail of abuse from what all I can describe is a psychotic insecure individual who has no respect for the industry she is working in.

    One of my staff recently received such email at about 23:00 on a Saturday evening to which she politely replied please can you unsubscribe me from your mailing list, a further reply from the sender turned into some form of attack on my company and I am totally shocked at the senders behaviour.

    There must be some form of industry body, association that can take action towards this kind of behaviour andy advise or guidance on any other company dealing with such issues would be appreciated.

    Best wishes