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Recruitment Deals on Brexit Day

By June 23, 2016One Comment

So the “Brexit” polls have just closed in Britain with the country on a “knife edge” and apparently too close to call whether the people will have voted to Remain in the EU or to Leave.  I suspect they will remain, personally, but it’s going to be a close run thing.  If you’re unsure what it’s all about then you can’t go far wrong checking out this clip from the Last Week Tonight show with the bloke that loves to take the p*ss out of John Key and New Zealand.

I did wonder, though, what it would mean for the UK recruitment industry (who’s fluctuations and movements inevitably flow on to our own industry in NZ eventually) were the people to elect to turn their back on “Johnny Foreigner” and go back to being Little Britain again.

However, all I could find from a (admittedly quick) search was this article about the potential impact.  But with a plethora of “could”, “might” and “maybe” statements it’s obvious that, as with everything else around this debate, no one really knows what it is going to mean.

I even asked one of the UK’s more intelligently vociferous recruitment industry commentators what he thought it might mean should the UK leave the EU.  But the response was typically cagey, with the main suggestion seeming to be it will be harder for agencies to attract and place skilled overseas talent which could “reignite the war for talent”.

So coupled with this lack of insight, and my post-PowWow funk robbing me of creativity, I thought instead I would offer some much needed encouragement to all of you recruitment owners and leaders out there desperately looking for new recruitment talent for your teams (and I know that’s most of you).  Someone kindly shared this link to a daily deal website earlier this week, offering an online recruitment training course:

daily do rec course

There’s really so much to encourage all of us in the recruitment industry with this.  The speed with which this “deal” sold out highlights once again the popularity of our industry, particularly among those seeking something with low barriers to entry.  I also love how some lucky punters will soon be ready and raring to go in our midst for the bargain price of just $29.

Now that’s value.

Thanks to those who attended last night’s PowWow shenanigans, and to SEEK for their continued support.  I look forward to welcoming some of the new top quality “$29 Recruiters” to the next one in September.  Until then, have fun recruiting in your post-Brexit worlds.

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.

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