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A Breakin’ Merry Christmas from The Whiteboard

By December 18, 20143 Comments

Welcome to the final Whiteboard blog for 2014.  This is going to be a brief one because, quite frankly, I don’t want to be held responsible for keeping you away from far more important drinking recruiting activities on this most work-shy of Fridays.

One piece of work you’ll probably want to do before knocking off for Christmas is setting up your Out-of-Office, what with email being the way 97% of recruitment activity seems to happen these days.  There will be plenty of boring, mundane, prescriptive messages you can do.  But if you fancy something a little more creative then here’s one from a recruitment CEO I know:

Hi there, I am away munching on crayfish and fresh snapper, having bonfires on the beach, going skinny dipping and generally misbehaving. I don’t have a cell phone, there is no wireless and I’m off the grid living like a hippie.

Catch you when I return on the 13th January, having refilled my energizer batteries.

Stay safe. Slip slop slap. Only skinny dip at night but watch for jelly fish.

If you insist on working, please contact […] on recruitment matters on […]@[…] from the 5th January.

Maybe slightly too much referencing of skinny dipping there but hey, you get the idea, and I hope you’re as inspired as I was.

Thanks for your readership this year and all of us at Rice Consulting and virtualRPO would like to wish a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.  In fact we’ve gone and performed a break dance just especially for you:

Rice Elves

Have fun out there and stay safe.

See you in 2015.

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.


  • Thanks for your many entertaining and enlightening blog posts this year, Jon and Sean. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your take on all things recruitment-NZ. Enjoy your break and I’m looking forward to more of the same in 2015.

  • Lizzie says:

    Great break dance guys!
    You guys are fab and I always love getting the Friday blogs.
    Although out of the industry for present (although related) I love the fact that I can retain my connections and interest through you. I was also thrilled to be part of Virtual RPO in its initial stages.
    Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year.
    You deserve it!

  • Mark Sumner says:

    Just a quick one to say thanks Jonathan (and Sean) for writing the best recruitment blog on the planet. Friday for me is known as Whiteboard Day and is always a highlight of the week. Wishing the team at Rice / vRPO a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Looking forward to an awesome 2015 full of Friday blogs!