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Pinterest: The best social recruiting tool since LinkedIn

By April 5, 2012One Comment

Good Friday to you all – ahaha.

Obviously being Easter time not many of you will be reading this, having swapped your Friday doses of Whiteboard news, views and general tittle tattle for groaning traffic jams en route to rain soaked campsites but hey, it’s still Friday, so I still have to say something right?

Well this week I think it would be un-Easter like of me to write anything too mentally taxing and overwrought.  So I usher you all away from our scribble-filled Whiteboard to look instead upon our new office pinboard, more popularly known as Pinterest.

Click here for the link to our “Recruitment World”.

Now originally it just seemed to be something that the girls in our office got excited about as a way of displaying shoes they like or hunting for wedding stuff (I think that’s the official terminology).  But then it started becoming apparent that this is actually the most visually appealing social media channel currently doing the rounds.  And guess what?  You can do things like link to your other social media pages, your website, your jobs you are recruiting for and even “pin” QR codes to your board that can direct scanners to your mobile recruitment website.

Now that is more like it, and that is what started getting my attention today.  Sure, we are just playing with it for now, but my social media radar (which looks a bit like a wire coat hanger aerial on an old Ford Cortina), tells me that this is a platform that could actually end up doing a lot more for recruitment businesses and internal careers teams than Facebook, Twitter and Google+ will ever be able to achieve.

Have a go, play around, see what we at Rice Consulting are in to.  Get a sense for our brand, our business and our personalities.  And hey, if you like the look of what we’re about, and want a job in recruitment, well there’s a job ad or two pinned on there for good measure.

Or if you just want to look and see what we are liking right now, then that’s also totally cool.

Regardless, have a great Easter break, and have a think about where your current social recruiting strategy is taking you.  There’s something of huge potential here for us in recruitment.  Perhaps it’s time you got Pinterested.


Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.

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