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Loose lips sink (relation)ships

I heard a story doing the rounds this week which can be traced back to an NZ-based global recruitment firm. Apparently, a Consultant, whilst about their business, spotted a colleague "interviewing" with a competitor. And being the grade-A corporate snitch that they are, decided to take a surreptitious photo of…
Sean Walters
September 20, 2024

The weird world of “Rec-to-Rec”

Regular readers and ex-girlfriends will know that I like things to be slightly weird. Perhaps it was this innate desire to stray from the norm which caused me to turn my back on the lucrative world of taxidermy and become a recruiter. Not just a recruiter, which is hard enough…
Sean Walters
September 13, 2024

Looking up from the gutter

Because I like cheap property and long commutes, I live in the Auckland suburb of Titirangi. For those who don't know Auckland, or perhaps New Zealand, Titirangi is mostly bush, hills, and women who look like they've got Lenny Kravitz in a headlock. Because of these hills, landslips are common.…
Sean Walters
August 30, 2024