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Can We Bring Recruiters Hub to New Zealand?

By March 22, 201211 Comments

Here I am again just 7 months after the last time.  Sydney Koru Club lounge, bashing out a hastily compiled Whiteboard post, following another brilliantly-executed conference by Philip Tusing from Destination Talent.

Recruiter’s Hub 2012 opened with a flourish with the quick-talking Californian tones of HR Marketing oligarch Kevin Grossman.  Two appearances in two days from the incomparable Greg Savage stirred, energised and galavanised the gathered recruiters.  We heard from incredibly sharp business minds like the laconic but laser-witted venture capitalist Bill Bartee, the amusing and informative gatekeeper to recruitment press releases Jo Knox, panels of contractor management experts, panels of RPO aficionados and senior HR types divulging pure gold advice to consultancy recruiters about how to approach, engage and maximise our partnerships together.

We had our eyes opened by the originator of Australian rec-to-rec Rosemary Scott, Australia’s “godmother” of recruitment.  Essential advice on the critical importance of culture in attracting and retaining top talent by Jen Gottlieb from Firebrand Talent.  All of this and much, much more concluded with aplomb by the second appearance of Kevin Grossman, denouncing the hackneyed reference to “talent pools” and urging our focus and attention towards harnessing technology to create more vibrant and engaged talent communities.

And then my favourite anecdote of the entire event:  Kalena Jefferson, HRD for Kelly Services, talking about culture and engagement of staff, and their office fish “Moby” who apparently has a Linked In profile.  To Moby’s great (but secretly smug) surprise once received a headhunt approach via Linked In for a sales job.  A perfect example, if ever one were needed, of lazy target research and how not to headhunt.

All of this artfully bound together by the authoritative and entertaining MC, Ross Clennett.

It was engaging, refreshing, informative, edifying and sobering.  Overall it was a big, juicy slab of utterly compelling and hugely invaluable lessons in recruitment to help steer us on the right course in this new post-GFC market.

And there were two of us from New Zealand.


So what can be done about this?  Do we truly have the numbers, the level of interest, the desire for change, improvement and information in our New Zealand recruitment community to validate bringing #RHUB to our own country?  Responses on Twitter suggest a keen level of interest, but this is from people already known for their hunger for recruitment innovation.

Can I have a show of hands?

It is my belief we can bring top speakers, top recruitment practitioners, senior HR gurus and recruitment thought leaders to our shores.  But we would need the numbers.  Hands up if you’d attend one of these conferences in New Zealand, or rather at a potential price point in the region of $600 – $900 per person, hands up if you would invest in attending an event such as this.

Your comments please….

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.


  • Amy Richardson says:

    I think this is a fantastic directive, and I would certainly see the value in investing.
    I do think however, that we shouldn’t discount the recruitment talent that we have closer to home….surely New Zealand itself can boast top recruitment practitioners and top recruitment thought leaders in its own right?

  • If the industry is going to continue to develop here in NZ then it is essential that events such as these happen here.  We have some great talent in the industry and hearing from them and sharing ideas has to be good for all of us.

  • Michael Thomson says:

    Great initiative for the NZ market – one would hope people see the merit of these events, though I do agree with Matthew & Amy – my research so far suggests there are no shortage of innovators in the Talent space in NZ – and showcasing these through such events, case studies and so on would be another approach to support the evolution of talent, engagement and great recruitment and assessment practice in NZ.

  • Rachael Isaac-Kupenga says:

    Three words – yes, yes, yes!

  • Gary Beattie says:

    Certainly we all need to keep on building on the improvement of our service and the overall perception of our industry and I would support such a forum.

  • Brad says:

    I agree with Amy.  My initial interest would be in hearing from New Zealand recruitment leaders.  I then question who they are and then they need to be willing to step up to the plate… mix the kiwi success leaders with international names and yes absolutely I would be interested.  I have always enjoyed Ross Clennett and Greg Savages commentary but have quite easy access to their thoughts via online channels (which are always appreciated).  So outside of kiwi commentators I would find great value in experts from even further afield.  Bill Boorman, Maureen Sharib and even someone for the quirky recruiter – the Recruitment Animal, imagine him as an MC! Just a few thoughts but in short yes I would invest in this.

  • Chris says:

    In agreement with all comments below, I would absolutely be interested.  Getting a mix of industry leaders from recruitment both external and internal would be hugely advantageous.  It has to be time to NZ to recognise there is work to be done in the recruitment sector and and is an industry which can be driven forward by hosting events such as this.

  • Nicole says:

    It was a fantastic couple of days I agree. Reading the comments here I don’t think it necessarily matters where your expert speakers come from – NZ or Aust or abroad. It’s about quality presentations and content that stirs your creative thinking and compels you to action. You can learn from a range of speakers regardless of geographical location. I would love to see something similar done in NZ – good luck !

  • Kerrykirwan says:

    Do we really have enough of such world leading, innovative ‘experts’ available locally who would be willing to share with their direct competitors?  I doubt it.   I vote for overseas speakers. 

  • Karen Gordon-Lewis says:

    Hand up, waving in agreement.

  • Paul Leacock says:

    Great idea Jonathan – The TM team would absolutely be in!