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The Pendulum Swings Back Towards Talent Shortages

By April 10, 2014One Comment

Quick one from me this week as I’ve got rather a lot on.  When I say “rather a lot” I mean that in the same context as “China has quite a few people” or “Wayne Rooney makes a fair few bob each week” but then I’ve never been one to indulge in hyperbole, oh no.

The reason for this is most likely because many of us in New Zealand recruitment launched into this bright, shiny new financial year with an upsurge in demand for our services.  Well, certainly the recruitment firms who worked hard at maintaining good client relationships even through the leaner times anyway.  Those who didn’t still have a lot of catching up to do, something I mentioned in a Shortlist article earlier this week (paid content).

BNZ’s Chief Economist, Tony Alexander, has revealed survey results this week suggesting that 29% of New Zealand businesses are now finding it hard to find skilled labour.  Add to this the fact that Auckland’s unemployment rate has dropped to its lowest rate in 6 years, with 48,000 jobs created in the city just last year with Auckland Council’s Chief Economist Geoff Cooper saying:

“Businesses have been taking on additional labour to cater for projected demand, but the outlook for employment growth is very much dependent on the strength of domestic activity, particularly housing activity and consumer spending”

Which probably explains why I’ve got rather a lot on.  One word of caution, though, to recruitment agencies looking to respond to this period by chucking platoons of newly-recruited recruiters into the mix.  Many companies, whilst deciding the time has come to start hiring again, still have a recessionary mindset and frugal approach to recruiting.  Any new recruiters joining your firms must still be prepared to demonstrate real value for money to clients, and ideally networks or knowledge of their particular area of specialisation.  A sales drive and willlingness to “bash the phones” still won’t cut it, and any firm who believes it is will find themselves throwing good money after bad.

Don’t forget the quality and the craft needed in your recruiting efforts, even as we all start to get busier again.  Now I need to take my own advice and get on with the day!

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.

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