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Emoji Recruiting…

By December 15, 2016No Comments

…Or more specifically, recruiting for an emoji translator. Fancy taking on an assignment like that?

Us recruiters in New Zealand are typically more resourceful and innovative than most. Out of necessity, due the small size of our talent pool, we have had to develop sourcing and recruiting skills with a sizeable dollop of creativity in order to fulfil our clients’ requirements.  But an assignment like this would surely test even the most artful of kiwi sourcing specialists.

However, that’s what a London firm has been tasked with, who this week advertised for an emoji translator in what is thought to be the first such job worldwide.

According to the report:

“The role will involve explaining cross-cultural misunderstandings in the use of the mini pictures, and compiling a monthly trends report.”

I’m not completely sure whether Emoji can truly be classified as an actual language in its own right just yet, but I thought I would explore some of the more common Emoji pictures with a translation of what they might mean to us in the world of recruitment:

? usually means tears of joy but in recruitment often signifies something bad that you’ve seen so many times before, like a counter offer being accepted despite assurances to the contrary, that you just have to laugh…through the tears.

? your face when a client gives you interview feedback and tells you that your candidate knew nothing about their company, despite you spending 30 mins the evening before briefing them on the role and company.

? when you find out your candidate you sold into a client had apparently applied directly to the organisation the week before, but neglected to mention it in interview with you.

? when you agree to conduct an overseas reference check at 11.30pm just so you can make the placement the next day…but the referee doesn’t answer your prearranged phone call.

?One of those candidates that you’re “fairly sure” could do the job but you need to work hard on them, and your client, to convince them. In other words polishing a turd.

?when your new client tells you how impressed they’ve been with your service and they’ve kicked off their old recruitment supplier.

?counting your chickens before they’re hatched. When you put a placement fee up on the Whiteboard before the contract has been signed…never a good idea!

? working in recruitment in the 90’s and early 2000’s.

? “sorry you’re not on the PSA so we can’t look at your candidates…”

?”…but the candidate does sound good so can you please talk to the firm who is on our panel and send the candidate to them?”

? “yeah right…”

That’s it from The Whiteboard for today, and quite possibly for the year as I’m not sure how many of you will be around to read anything next Friday. Thanks for your ideas, involvement, comments, and engagement throughout 2016.  Have a great Christmas and New Year break and come back re-charged and raring to go for what is sure to be a bumper 2017 for many in recruitment.

Cheers ?

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.