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πŸ’― Not Out!

Blog 100 is here! If you are considering bolstering your own personal brand be it blogging/vlogging, here are some tips that I've learned over the hundy.
Scott Burnett
September 23, 2022

All of Government Part 4: MBIE Cr@p their pants

Very rarely do I get so much mileage from one topic. Thankfully, the numbskulls at MBIE have made my blogging so much easier of late. For those of you who haven't been following the All of Government "Gen 3" tender process (or for journalists who call me about it to…
Sean Walters
September 16, 2022
EmploymentHuman Resources

Toxic culture, or are you just allergic?

When I was a nipper, the only thing "toxic" was toxic waste. In my mind's eye, this substance glowed fluorescent green and lived in oil drums. Nowadays, everything is toxic. From masculinity, to relationships, to culture, to workplaces. Using the term "toxic" is now all the explanation required to describe…
Sean Walters
August 5, 2022
EmploymentHuman Resources

Zuru throw their toys at Glassdoor

Those with one eye on the world may have seen an interesting case played out in the US courts this week, originating in little ol’ Aotearoa. Kiwi Toymaking giant Zuru, with revenues of over US$1bn, have won the right to be told the identities of those who have given them…
Sean Walters
July 22, 2022