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City of Sales β›΅

I've found that being 'salesy' is viewed a little more positively in Tamaki Makaurau. Regardless, we seem to not like salesy people in recruitment, a role that is essentially sales πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Scott Burnett
July 2, 2021

“Pro rata” fees and other bad ideas

This is a glorious time to be a recruiter. Yes, I am aware that there are no candidates out there. And there are probably still too many recruitment firms in existence. However, like a boomer Dad with a lawn to mow, we currently have a purpose. Y'see when the pendulum…
Sean Walters
June 25, 2021

Counter Culture

Been a real resurgence of a counter-culture recently, not the putting daisies into rifle type. More the massive increase to a base salary so you won't leave type.
Scott Burnett
June 18, 2021

They Did What!? Part 1

We didn't want to be like Scorsese's 2019's Irishman and give you everything in one go! It's a bit of a mad story so Seano will be back next week with the conclusion 🎣
Scott Burnett
May 21, 2021

What if candidates took references?

There’s a lot of nonsensical advice given to job seekers by Recruiters. Actually, scratch that. Recruiters tend to give good advice to job seekers, as their livelihoods are largely dependent on job seekers getting jobs. It’s so-called Thought Leaders that you need to be careful of. These Thought Leaders sometimes…
Sean Walters
April 30, 2021