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The Trolling Of Recruiters

The internet has given rise to many amazing things that have helped make the world a more connected place. But for all the positives it is undoubtedly balanced out by a lot of downsides too, not least of which is the platform it has afforded complete and utter idiots to…
Jonathan Rice
February 23, 2017

Applying Your Recruitment Superpowers To Real Life

Every time I browse through Netflix nowadays there seems to be another film or TV series about seemingly normal people discovering they have hitherto undiscovered superpowers.  Things like The OA, Daredevil and Sense8, and doubtless countless more all tap into the boring drudgery of many people's modern lives and briefly light…
Jonathan Rice
February 9, 2017

A New Year Heralds New Recruitment Firms

*** This is a re-post of the article originally posted on 13th January 2017 but was stolen by evil space invaders. Thanks to the genius of Rob Gordon for recovering this! *** Welcome back recruiters of New Zealand, or whoever else, or wherever else you may be. For it it…
Jonathan Rice
January 30, 2017

Calm Before The Storm

2016 was mental. Do you remember? Or is it all a distant memory already? Mentally busy, that is, for many of us in recruitment. I know it was mental in many other celebrity-deaths, global-politics, underdog-sporting-heroes kind of ways but I'm here to talk about recruitment. Many agencies posted strong results,…
Jonathan Rice
January 19, 2017

Emoji Recruiting…

...Or more specifically, recruiting for an emoji translator. Fancy taking on an assignment like that? Us recruiters in New Zealand are typically more resourceful and innovative than most. Out of necessity, due the small size of our talent pool, we have had to develop sourcing and recruiting skills with a…
Jonathan Rice
December 15, 2016

How to Handle Resigning

Today's blog post comes to you sandwiched between last night's RicePowWow and today's office party (followed by my football team's Christmas drinks) so please forgive me if I sound kind of distracted. And husky. Why do these things always require so much talking? Not that many of you will notice,…
Jonathan Rice
December 8, 2016

May The Silly Season Commence

Good morning recruiters, a quick one from me today as I have things to do and people to see around the glittering environs of Auckland's North Shore (much to Sean's dismay, he seems to think he needs a passport to cross the bridge...) A couple of people dug out a…
Jonathan Rice
December 1, 2016