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The Superstitions of Recruiters

There's really only one topic on the lips of all kiwis this Friday.  Yes that's right, it's what your kids are wearing for Halloween Sunday morning's Rugby World Cup Final between the All Blacks and the Wallabies.  So as much as I love to bring you all our particular brand…
Jonathan Rice
October 29, 2015

Five Weeks is a Very Long Time in Recruitment

Hello.  It's me again.  You know, the one who used to write this blog most weeks but absconded on a European jaunt for a wee while?  No...?  Ermmmm, right then, let's see if I can get this going again. Firstly, thanks to Sean for keeping The Whiteboard going in my…
Jonathan Rice
October 22, 2015

How Not To Fire People

Surprisingly, and perhaps disappointingly, I've never been fired from a job. Surprising, given that a good proportion of my day-to-day behaviour isn't appropriate for the workplace. Disappointing, given that being the narcissist that my ex-girlfriend describes me as, I like to place myself centre-stage for all my blogs. However, I have…
Jonathan Rice
October 15, 2015

The Land of Milk and Money

Knowledge is power, or so "they" say. However, the more I read, the more confused I become. One minute eggs are good for us, next thing, they're harbouring Al-Qaeda. Apparently even Kale is now poisoning us with thallium and arsenic. They'll warn us off smoking in aeroplane toilets and unprotected…
Jonathan Rice
October 8, 2015

Love, Romance, And The Modern Recruiter

I went to an event kindly hosted by Adcorp this week. Arriving slightly early following the promise of free beer on a hangover, I sat down next to the other two early attendees and introduced myself. Given the incestuous nature of the Auckland recruitment market, new introductions are increasingly rare.…
Jonathan Rice
October 1, 2015

“Trust Me, I’m A Candidate”

I should warn you now. Today's Whiteboard covers familiar territory. Now either I'm running out of ideas, or the same issue keeps gouging at our collective industry eyes' like an Argentinian Lock. Over the weekend, the Herald ran a story regarding Anthony Kiro, a former professional League player, who through…
Jonathan Rice
September 24, 2015

Are the kids really alright?

I try and stay positive. Recruitment has a habit of beating you down occasionally, but to last in this industry, you have to have hope. Hope that a candidate shows up to an interview. Hope that the offer is sufficient. Hope that next month will be "the one". My usual…
Jonathan Rice
September 17, 2015

Taking A Recruitment Holiday

I'm sure many of you readers will be delighted to learn that this will be my last blog post for a few weeks.  I'm heading off to the other hemisphere for a wee while.  Don't worry though, you'll be in good hands with Sean Walters for your Friday dose of…
Jonathan Rice
September 3, 2015