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“un”ravelling culture and the position description

Again, Jonathan Rice is indulging his penchant for exotic travel, leaving me in charge of the whiteboard… Conference season has landed and rival codes appear to be refreshingly combative. Last night we saw the kindly mother-in-law of professional bodies HRINZ, up against the “as much use as a pork pie…
Jonathan Rice
November 6, 2014

Silly Season for Recruitment Conferences

We appear to be heading towards recruitment conference and meet up season here in New Zealand. As the sun starts to poke it's head out again, so too are our industry's recruitment event organisers. There's plenty to choose from. Some of you will have already bought tickets (or had them…
Jonathan Rice
October 23, 2014

Recruitment Salaries Stagnate

Once again, the whiteboard marker is in my grubby mitts today. This week, Tyrel Oates, a disgruntled Wells Fargo employee from Portland, Oregon, hit the headlines with an email to his CEO requesting a $10,000 pay rise. An audacious move from someone working in the collections department for one of America’s biggest…
Jonathan Rice
October 16, 2014

Recruiters and Their Social Media Fails

Like many of you recruiters out there, things are pretty busy for me right now.  Which is great.  Hiring intentions are up, stress levels rising accordingly, and there aren't enough hours in the day.  Add to that the couple of events we hosted last week for our vRPO recruiters and…
Jonathan Rice
October 2, 2014
Human Resources

Pistols Drawn in New Zealand’s HR Industry

There seems to be a bad-blooded stoush brewing between HRINZ and a break-away faction keen to set up a rival industry body.  Those at the HR Game Changer Conference a couple of weeks ago ("this isn't just a conference, we're starting a movement"...please don't puke in your mouth) heard from…
Jonathan Rice
September 18, 2014

Getting Bitten by the Recruitment Bug

I spend a lot of time interviewing recruiters and ask a pretty wide range of questions depending on the situation. But a pretty consistent one is probably the most obvious:  So what (on earth) got you into recruitment in the first place? The most common answer, as probably happened to…
Jonathan Rice
September 4, 2014