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The Whiteboard Turns Four

Following on from last week's scarcely viewed Good Friday blog (just look at the treat you missed out on) I suspect that this week's blog might fly similarly low beneath the radar.  Thanks to the vagaries of 2014's calendar this year sees Good Friday followed a week later by ANZAC…
Jonathan Rice
April 24, 2014

Happy Easter from The Whiteboard

The Whiteboard has wheeled off up North for its Easter hols, hoping the permanent marker can withstand the rainy holiday weather.  Have a good break everyone, safe travels, and see you again the other side of ANZAC Day.   Happy Easter from "all of us" at and  
Jonathan Rice
April 17, 2014

Recruitment, the Game of Connections

Being a keen sports fan (and clumsily participating in some too), it has always struck me throughout my sales and recruitment career how parallel the two worlds of sport and sales/recruitment are.  The goal-setting, the competition, the teamwork, the emotion, the motivation, the management and the ups and downs of…
Jonathan Rice
October 24, 2013

“Anonymous” LinkedIn Recruiters Need to Grow a Pair

  We've all heard before what sticks and accusations the general public (especially the ones in search of jobs, funnily enough) like to beat us recruiters with.  There's the lack of communication, the lying, the misleading comments and the inability to listen.  No feedback, poor feedback, negative feedback delivered poorly.…
Jonathan Rice
September 5, 2013

Good Friday Whiteboard Marshmallow Goodness

Friday = a post on The Whiteboard. Good Friday = looong weekend coming, as well as a new shed delivery in half an hour and then a BBQ round some mates house. So all that's left to say for today is Happy Easter everyone, from your favourite Rice Consulting peeps...…
Jonathan Rice
March 28, 2013
EmploymentHuman ResourcesJob BoardsRecruitmentUncategorized

Recruiters, Get Your Heads Out Of The Sand And Embrace The Future

The squeeze is on.  Recruitment agencies are doing it tough right now.  The entire recruitment landscape post-recession has changed and for many it is a weird moonscape causing a great deal of displacement and discomfort.  January was a particularly sluggish month for recruitment with many key client decision-makers taking virtually the whole (rain-soaked)…
Jonathan Rice
March 1, 2012

How NOT to Remunerate Recruiters

I’ve been contacted by a number of different recruitment firms over the past few weeks who are looking for advice from me on pay structures for their recruitment consultants.  This is a good thing.  It shows that firms out there are thinking properly about talent management, risk and reward, and…
Jonathan Rice
November 18, 2010