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The Rise of Boomerang Recruiters

What do Steve Jobs , LeBron James and Mikel Arteta have in common?  Both are what is becoming commonly known in the HR world as boomerang employees:  Previous employees of a company who have, for various reasons, left that company to work elsewhere or pursue some other adventure, and later down…
Jonathan Rice
February 28, 2020
Human Resources

The problem with References

I love the sound of references being taken. Like the first sight of a rain cloud to a Waikato dairy farmer, it heralds an imminent change of circumstances. Thankfully here at Rice HQ we've had a bumper week, so there's been plenty of "for the purposes of the privacy act..."…
Sean Walters
February 21, 2020

It Could Be Too Hot!

It's hot, could be too hot! For those who aren't lucky enough to suffer from Prince Andrews affliction (not that one) here are some tips for staying cool this summer, don't sweat it 😉
Scott Burnett
January 31, 2020

10 Predictable Predictions for Recruitment in 2020

Apologies for the slightly clichĂ©d blog topic today. Y'see, this is my first blog of the year following two straight months of babysitting my partner's family who have been visiting from the UK. And two months of best behaviour and living cheek-by-jowl with the in-laws is certainly enough to give…
Sean Walters
January 24, 2020