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Commission Critical

Trying to define and then describe the internal culture of a recruitment company is always a nebulous activity. Not until you visit an office do you get a "feel" for what is really happening behind the scenes. And even after this client visit, we still describe what we see in…
Sean Walters
November 15, 2019

Lights, Camera, Distraction!

It’s getting to that time of year when a notice period means that a candidate will be starting a new role in 2020. With most agencies closing their doors on Friday the 20th December this year NZ enters that vocational hibernation a whole working week before the big day. I…
Scott Burnett
November 8, 2019

What Not to Wear

"I'll teach you. I'll teach you to cover your arms and not be such a lazy, tattooed oaf." Bob Walker, October 2019, Rice HQ The above broadside was aimed at me last week by the inimitable Bob Walker. Bob's been spending a bit of time at Rice Towers recently, working…
Sean Walters
November 1, 2019