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Robert Half’s Utopian Recruitment Bubble

A couple of weeks ago a video from Customise Consulting caused a bit of a stir on this blog with its amusingly provocative jabs towards the traditional, corporate, recruitment agency model.  This week I came across another video about being a recruitment consultant, but this one is actually from one…
Jonathan Rice
February 20, 2014

What Has Become of us Recruitment Agencies?

What has become of us recruitment agencies? I'm sure that, once upon a time, the concept of recruitment as a professional service was lauded.  Providing outsourced recruitment expertise for companies, so they could concentrate on doing what they do best rather than waste time recruiting, was eagerly welcomed by industry.…
Jonathan Rice
February 6, 2014

Just One Recruitment Prediction for 2014

So here we are then.  The final Whiteboard post of 2013.  In the past I've joined in the seasonal bandwagon of crystal ball gazing to predict recruitment trends but this year I'm not sure I can really be bothered.  I hope you don't mind.  It's partly because I'm heading over…
Jonathan Rice
December 12, 2013

The Growth of “Recruitment Alternatives”

The battle for recruitment agencies these days seems to have become one of relevance.  To be viable, you need to be an expert in your niche, well-networked and knowledgeable about the market.  You need to demonstrate value for money otherwise clients these days have too many options and ways to…
Jonathan Rice
November 14, 2013
Human ResourcesRecruitment

The Age of Recruiter Spam

I'm writing today's post from a car dealership in Glenfield while my car gets serviced.  It makes a nice change, after spending most of my time surrounded by recruiters, to be mixing and mingling with a portion of society regarded by the public with even more scorn and distrust than…
Jonathan Rice
November 7, 2013

Recruitment’s Salary Survey Conspiracy

Why is that we recruiters do so much work for free?  Or should I say, how is it that we are always expected to do so much for nothing?  Is it because of the seemingly large fees we charge when a placement does eventually come off? It's kind of funny…
Jonathan Rice
October 31, 2013