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Candidate Experience


Vend Recruiters Designing the Art of Rejection

The differences between agency and in-house recruitment are well documented.  Age old fables like in-house recruiters hating sales, not "cutting it" in agency land, or being more admin focused have rubbed shoulders in recent years with more progressive ideas of recruiters preferring a broader strategic approach versus those with a…
Jonathan Rice
October 13, 2016

Why You Should Care Less About Candidate Experience

Out of the soporific hum and chit chat of last night's Auckland Recruitment Meet Up there sprung a surprisingly vigorous debate. The team at Beca, lead by the ever-suave Richard Long, got everyone up on their feet. The purpose: To position our bodies in different zones of the room denoting…
Jonathan Rice
June 2, 2016

How Honest Can Recruiters Afford To Be?

The notion of "no publicity is bad publicity" was severely put to the test by Annette Sleep of O'Neil's Personnel last weekend.  Telling a candidate for one of her vacancies that she couldn't represent her to their client because she had children in daycare, and would probably end up taking…
Jonathan Rice
June 25, 2015

Candidate Power Returns With A Bang

Some real life examples of poor manners and behaviour from candidates of ours in recent days: Cancelling interviews one hour prior, via email, because they feel they have "enough options to consider already" Postponing interview via text, never to be heard from again Promising to attend interviews with clients even…
Jonathan Rice
June 4, 2015