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EmploymentHuman ResourcesPolitics

Maybe if we just ignore it…?

Recruiters get a fair amount of heat for ignoring stuff. Whether it be towards persistent yet non-placeable candidates, or internal recruiters on perpetual voicemail, we have an infamous and well-documented history with the ol' silent treatment. In many cases, it's a skidmark on on the Y-fronts of what should be…
Sean Walters
August 7, 2020
Human ResourcesPolitics

The Three Approaches to Recovery

Like having unprotected sex with a chlamydic super model, it was with mixed emotions that I found myself riding into work yesterday morning. Not "mixed" because I'm yet to organise my sock draw, but more so from the time it took to traverse the 20 kilometers across Auckland. Those who…
Sean Walters
May 15, 2020