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EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

Count Eroffer

A demonic figure that makes Bram Stoker’s Dracula seem more at place with his numerical namesake on Sesame Street. Much like the folklore perpetuated in Lost Boys this evil presence can only harm you if you invite it in your home. For those who are in the dark let me…
Scott Burnett
August 15, 2019
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

Prep School

"Failure to prepare, prepare to fail" – Benjamin Franklin – Scott Burnett It’s always been a mantra close to my heart. Last year I was honored to be given the title of best man at my best friend’s wedding back home. I’m a visual learner and the only way I…
Scott Burnett
July 18, 2019
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitmentSourcing

Just a formality

It’s safe to say that my working demeanor has somewhat relaxed since entering the rec to rec arena. This probably speaks to my client base. Previously, I was trying to bring some legitimacy to my unsolicited approach of property managers and architects. This meant looking like a Hallensteins mannequin and…
Scott Burnett
June 20, 2019

Grinding Gears

I’ve been a bit crook this week but fear not, I’m at the stage where I have successfully transmitted my cooties to those around me. Working in a shared space is awesome, when you’re sick it’s like that scene at the end of The Planet of The Apes; where the…
Scott Burnett
May 30, 2019

Recruiter Networks

The best thing my ol man said he did with his money was enrolling me and my brother into Victoria College. An Educational institution steeped in tradition that taught us important lessons not just in the classroom but installing all students with a specific set of values; ‘manners maketh man’…
Scott Burnett
May 9, 2019

Ref! Ref! Ref!

No, this isn’t going to be a blog that brings to light the officiating of a particular Champions League tie that allowed a once doomed team from the North West of England to prolong the inevitable. The ref I’m ‘referring’ to is reference. A crucial component of what we do…
Scott Burnett
March 7, 2019
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

LinkedIn’s Worst Content

I was speaking with my faux-scouser colleague Scott Burnett yesterday about the pitfalls of sharing content on LinkedIn. Scott recruits for New Zealand's top recruitment firms, and faces the perpetual challenge of sourcing quality recruitment consultants. Given the dearth of talent, you may have noticed a number of his "creative"…
Sean Walters
February 28, 2019
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

Be Like Seagal

Most of what I know about recruitment, and much of what I know about life, I've learnt from the movies of Steven Seagal. I'm not even joking. For those who don’t know who Seagal is, let me explain. Imagine it’s 1987 and a 6ft4in slightly tubby martial arts instructor with…
Sean Walters
January 17, 2019