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And You Thought YOUR Recruiter Was Bad…

A battle between agency recruitment and internal recruitment is nothing new nowadays. Since the inception and growth of in-house recruitment teams it has turned into our industry's very own hundred year war.  The tension between the two factions follows a familiar pattern:  Agency recruiters are targeted with making as many…
Jonathan Rice
August 24, 2017

Confessions of a Headhunter

I've been accused of many weird and wonderful things in my decade as a recruiter but last week took the biscuit.  Shock, horror and scandal...I was accused of being a headhunter "well-known for poaching staff from other agencies..."  Well blow me down. Some context is probably needed: I was speaking…
Jonathan Rice
February 26, 2015

Skin in the Game: Recruiters and Tattoos

Am I soon to be the last remaining recruiter left without a tattoo?  With conversation in our own office around Sean Walters' upcoming sleeve tattoo opus joined this morning by news that internal recruiting maverick Mark Sumner is getting himself inked soon too, it's starting to feel that way. When…
Jonathan Rice
January 22, 2015

Rules of Engagement

I was asked by a client recently what the rules were around rec to rec's making attempted head hunt calls to his staff.    It wasn't a pointed call to me, accusing me of anything.  I've never tried approaching any of his staff because I value our business relationship and…
Jonathan Rice
May 30, 2013