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The Farce of Verbal Reference Checking

I flew to England last weekend on something of a busman's holiday that, when factoring in the unscheduled landing in Bali to jettison a sick child and consequent rush through Dubai airport to make the connecting flight, was pretty much 28 hours on a plane.  This provides an unbridled opportunity to…
Jonathan Rice
August 25, 2016

Human Clouds on the Horizon

Hello recruiters of New Zealand and beyond, it's just lovely to see you again.  We're still in that fuzzy period where our brains reluctantly haul themselves away from holiday mode and try to fit themselves back into the world of work.  For many, it's even harder than squeezing our lightly…
Jonathan Rice
January 14, 2016

Local Recruitment For Local People

I've blogged a few times before about the deterioration of the traditional recruitment models and the need for today's recruiters to evolve and develop their offerings to meet the changing demands of clients in the future.  So it was with great interest I read about Auckland recruitment firm Razzbri launching…
Jonathan Rice
May 28, 2015