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The Existential Angst Of Recruitment

Hello again.  It’s been a while.  What have you been up to? Me?  Oh, this and that.  You know.  Well maybe not, but I’ll explain later.  For now, I want to tell you about something that happened last Friday, when I was fortunate enough to be the guest of a…
Jonathan Rice
July 5, 2018

The Beginning Of The End

Here we are then.  1st December.  The beginning of the end.  The end of the year, that is, but maybe the end of other things you've all got kind of used to as well.  Next week is going to be the last time I write a regular blog post here…
Jonathan Rice
November 30, 2017

Time For Something Different In Recruitment

Next week sees the realisation of two different projects we have been working on within our business for quite some time now, and it's fair to say I'm a bundle of nervous excitement and energy about it all. Rice Consulting as a business has always sought to adopt an innovative…
Jonathan Rice
November 16, 2017