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Escape key on laptop keyboardRecruitmentWork

Recruiting And The Great Regret

Well that was fun.  Jumping back into my old agency rec-to-rec desk for the past 10 days, while its current babysitter Sean is having his own baby sat for him on an overseas trip with the in laws (that he's secretly thrilled about), and already it's my last day.  After…
Jonathan Rice
February 24, 2023

The Worst Sales Call in Recruitment

This post is kind of the like the opposite to those cold-calling sales scripts you sometimes see in recruitment.  You know the ones foisted upon you by recruitment managers who typically still use Blackberry phones, sit in a cubicle, and have egg down their paisley tie.  The ones designed to increase your…
Jonathan Rice
July 16, 2015
Human ResourcesRecruitment

The Age of Recruiter Spam

I'm writing today's post from a car dealership in Glenfield while my car gets serviced.  It makes a nice change, after spending most of my time surrounded by recruiters, to be mixing and mingling with a portion of society regarded by the public with even more scorn and distrust than…
Jonathan Rice
November 7, 2013

Recruitment, the Game of Connections

Being a keen sports fan (and clumsily participating in some too), it has always struck me throughout my sales and recruitment career how parallel the two worlds of sport and sales/recruitment are.  The goal-setting, the competition, the teamwork, the emotion, the motivation, the management and the ups and downs of…
Jonathan Rice
October 24, 2013

Blogging and KPI’s Just Don’t Mix

For a number of reasons that I won't bore you all with this is going to be a very quick Whiteboard blog post today.  Oh yeah, I can hear those sighs of relief down the back there.  Look I know I can be a bit verbose sometimes but come on, this…
Jonathan Rice
October 20, 2011

Does Boutique Mean Better?

This headline caught my eye as I was walking into Heron’s Flight Vineyard in Matakana a couple of months ago and it really got me thinking.  The article was laminated and stuck on the wall as you entered the cellar door area and essentially it explored whether the product, service…
Jonathan Rice
August 26, 2010