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Talent Shortages Breeding More Creative Offers

Being a Brit, I've naturally found myself dipping into my Guardian newspaper app with increasing regularity this week. With my old country turning its back on Europe after a majority voted for "Brexit" and then the national football team haughtily following suit by slouching off from the Euros tournament, dispatched…
Jonathan Rice
June 30, 2016
Human ResourcesRecruitment

Diversity of Thought in Recruiting

I'm enjoying the newly emerging trend of more interesting, fresh-thinking press releases from the global corporates of our recruitment community.  After years of pithy proclamations re-hashing the same old stories of skills shortages and talent shortages and "oh how about using us to help you recruit?" it seems the PR…
Jonathan Rice
May 19, 2016

RCSA New Zealand Gasping for Relevancy

It's been quite a while since The Whiteboard took a look at the RCSA and the role it plays in our New Zealand recruitment industry.  Almost five years in fact. Somehow, we must have become distracted by other events and goings-on and overlooked the work being done by our "...leading…
Jonathan Rice
May 12, 2016

Apparently Jobseekers Hate Recruitment Agencies

There's always been a general air of agency-bashing permeating the recruitment industry, well certainly there has for the decade of my involvement anyway.  Usually it's just a general sense, anecdotal evidence, Chinese whispers, a subtle roll of the eyes when a newly-met acquaintance learns what it is you do for…
Jonathan Rice
April 7, 2016

Recruiters, The Great Pretenders

I was asked a slightly strange question by an HR Manager I know this morning.  They asked me if we ever pretended that we worked with clients in order to get a foot in the door and maybe get a chance to send in CV's for open vacancies.  I replied that…
Jonathan Rice
March 17, 2016
Job BoardsRecruitment

Our SEEK Recruitment Awards U-Turn

It's Thursday as I write this week's blog post, and for good reason.  You see, it's the 2015 SEEK Annual Recruitment Awards tonight and there's a very real chance I won't quite be able to cajole my brain cells into enough worthwhile use to pen anything sensible tomorrow.  I'll still…
Jonathan Rice
November 12, 2015

More Recruiting Shock Tactics

Vend's use of the F-bomb in a job advert got lots of air time across various social channels recently.  So much so that it probably helped them attract the right type of applicants and no doubt they're close to making a great hire by now...fancy that eh?  We're increasingly told…
Jonathan Rice
March 19, 2015
Human Resources

Pistols Drawn in New Zealand’s HR Industry

There seems to be a bad-blooded stoush brewing between HRINZ and a break-away faction keen to set up a rival industry body.  Those at the HR Game Changer Conference a couple of weeks ago ("this isn't just a conference, we're starting a movement"...please don't puke in your mouth) heard from…
Jonathan Rice
September 18, 2014

Uber-Aggressive Recruitment Techniques

I've been seeing a bit of stuff about Uber on the news wires this week. Uber are the ride sharing business that has disrupted (a word significantly overused these days, but highly appropriate in their case) the taxi industry across many cities globally. They came to Auckland not long ago,…
Jonathan Rice
August 28, 2014