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Human ResourcesRecruitment

Return To The Dark Side

This week's Whiteboard scribbles are brought to you from the feverish pen of Sean Walters...   Something strange is happening. Regular Whiteboard readers may remember my blog bemoaning the number of burnt-out agency recruiters migrating to the perceived warmer climates of internal recruitment. Well it seems that the tide is…
Jonathan Rice
August 29, 2013

You Need Chutzpah to be a Recruiter

Everyone out there knows that the best IT Recruiters have a technical background in coding or programming, right?  Or the best Healthcare recruiters used to be nurses, the best Accounting recruiters come out of the Big 4, and the best Business Support recruiters can type 85 words per minute whilst…
Jonathan Rice
August 22, 2013
EmploymentJob BoardsRecruitmentSourcing

Is LinkedIn Losing Its Way?

Hey LinkedIn.  What are you up to?  You're the professional social network that is supposed to be the future of recruitment... Are you finding it difficult to juggle being the altruistic nirvana for professional networking and a publicly listed corporation monetising and commercialising left, right and centre to to sate your voracious…
Jonathan Rice
July 25, 2013

The Cult of Job-Hop Happy Recruiters

Wow, what a storm last night.  I hope everyone out there in recruitment land is safe and sound this morning, especially the icy South and our wind torn capital.  Quick one from me today as I'm working from home this morning.  No we're not snowed in in Auckland, although the…
Jonathan Rice
June 20, 2013

Seven Month Itch – AoG revisited

The big news in our industry last year was undoubtedly the shenanigans in our capital city resulting in a panel of 40+ recruitment suppliers onto the All of Government recruitment services contract.  After what eventually descended into a bitter and acrimonious RFP process characterised by finger-pointing, points-scoring and pants-dropping by many…
Jonathan Rice
April 18, 2013

Resigned Acceptance

Last week Groupon's co-founder and CEO Andrew Mason was fired by the board who are seeking some fresh input to resurrect a wobbly share price.  The toppled entrepreneur took it with good grace (admittedly easier to do with a hefty severance payment and continued 7.1% shareholding) and publicly posted a quirky and irreverent…
Jonathan Rice
March 7, 2013

Always Be Recruiting

When I left the UK and entered the Sydney recruitment market Hays, my new employer, were kind enough to put me up in their Mosman company apartment for the first couple of weeks.  My most enduring memory from that time, apart from the gorgeous sunrises reflecting on the CBD's glass towers…
Jonathan Rice
February 7, 2013

Ten Tips to Survive Your Recruitment Christmas Party

Silly season is well and truly upon us and today, being the first Friday in December, will doubtless herald the launching of several Christmas work functions to come.  Recruiters can often be partial to throwing the odd alcohol-fueled shindig and, being the excitable larakins many of us are, these occasions can…
Jonathan Rice
December 6, 2012