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Human ResourcesRecruitment

Return To The Dark Side

This week's Whiteboard scribbles are brought to you from the feverish pen of Sean Walters...   Something strange is happening. Regular Whiteboard readers may remember my blog bemoaning the number of burnt-out agency recruiters migrating to the perceived warmer climates of internal recruitment. Well it seems that the tide is…
Jonathan Rice
August 29, 2013

You Need Chutzpah to be a Recruiter

Everyone out there knows that the best IT Recruiters have a technical background in coding or programming, right?  Or the best Healthcare recruiters used to be nurses, the best Accounting recruiters come out of the Big 4, and the best Business Support recruiters can type 85 words per minute whilst…
Jonathan Rice
August 22, 2013
Job BoardsRecruitment

Vote for Pedro Recruitment

So the annual SEEK awards must be getting close again.  So far I have been implored by eleven different recruitment companies to bestow my individual vote upon them, via email, LinkedIn and Twitter.  The vote, for those of you unaware, is to designate that particular firm as my "favourite recruitment…
Jonathan Rice
August 15, 2013
Human ResourcesRecruitment

Recruitment: No Suits Required

Today's blog is being delivered to you with sneaker-clad feet on desk, roll-up jeans crossed, ironic T-shirt displayed and topped off with trendy beanie hat supporting the weight of industrial size headphone cans. Well not quite, but I'm not exactly in a suit, and this is Britomart, so you could…
Jonathan Rice
August 1, 2013
EmploymentJob BoardsRecruitmentSourcing

Is LinkedIn Losing Its Way?

Hey LinkedIn.  What are you up to?  You're the professional social network that is supposed to be the future of recruitment... Are you finding it difficult to juggle being the altruistic nirvana for professional networking and a publicly listed corporation monetising and commercialising left, right and centre to to sate your voracious…
Jonathan Rice
July 25, 2013

The Cult of Job-Hop Happy Recruiters

Wow, what a storm last night.  I hope everyone out there in recruitment land is safe and sound this morning, especially the icy South and our wind torn capital.  Quick one from me today as I'm working from home this morning.  No we're not snowed in in Auckland, although the…
Jonathan Rice
June 20, 2013

Are We Dehumanising Recruitment?

I received an interesting email this week.  It was from an acquaintance of mine who spent the glory years of recruitment drinking, smoking and consulting his way to the top of the tree in a UK household name in recruitment, before moving here to New Zealand for a "breather" (and…
Jonathan Rice
June 13, 2013