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Wellington Recruiters play the Waiting Game

I'm back in sunny Auckland this morning after a couple of days in Wellington where I went on a mission to cram in as many client visits as possible to get a feel for the mood of our capital's recruitment community following the submissions of the tenders for the "All of…
Jonathan Rice
May 24, 2012

Facebook for Recruitment: What’s not to “Like”?

Facebook has been in the news rather a lot lately as various corners of the media, communications, business and financial worlds get increasingly frenzied about today's Initial Public Offering.  While we in recruitment wring our hands together in earnest confusion over whether or not male recruiters should wear ties, Zuckerburg is rocking…
Jonathan Rice
May 17, 2012

Recruitment Ad Chasing 101

This week is blog post number 101 on The Whiteboard and funnily enough I bring to you some recruitment 101 advice about ad chasing.  Over six months ago I wrote a piece on new ways for agency recruiters to p*ss off internal recruiters when we came across something even worse…
Jonathan Rice
April 26, 2012

The All of Government Recruitment Circus Gets Underway

The online tender process for the provision of recruitment services to "All of Government" (AoG) across New Zealand's three main centres was blasted out of the GETS cannon and into the creaking decks of the recruitment industry's inboxes earlier this week.  Like a lion released into an overcrowded amphitheatre, it will…
Jonathan Rice
April 19, 2012

Recruiting Through the Airwaves

Short week, Friday already, I think that calls for a sing-a-long.  Come on everyone, sing it with me: "All we hear is *clap clap* Radio Ga-Ga *clap clap* Radio Goo-Goo Radio what's neeeeew? Radio... re-cruit-ment loves you" Is that how it goes?  Something like that right?  Certainly seems like it…
Jonathan Rice
April 12, 2012