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LinkedIn Almost Got Smart

We've heard plenty of commentary recently about how LinkedIn are revolutionising the way companies recruit and their recent conference fueled those flames of perceived disruptive innovation even more. No doubt the Australasian Talent Conference currently happening in Sydney will pour more kerosene on those flames (probably along with declarations that…
Jonathan Rice
May 22, 2014

Rules of Engagement

I was asked by a client recently what the rules were around rec to rec's making attempted head hunt calls to his staff.    It wasn't a pointed call to me, accusing me of anything.  I've never tried approaching any of his staff because I value our business relationship and…
Jonathan Rice
May 30, 2013

Hudson harness Linked In to put themselves about town

  OK let’s see a show of hands.  Who out there received an “approach” from Hudson this week? No?  Not you? Well either you aren’t a recruiter currently operating in New Zealand or Australia, or you haven’t adequately described and categorized yourself on your Linked In profile (I know there…
Jonathan Rice
September 23, 2010