It's been a funny ol' week. I'm actually off back to Blighty for a wee while on Saturday, and the final week before leave is often a bit disjointed. Simultaneously hoping to get some more work in whilst also trying to close everything off, all set to the backdrop of…
Have you heard the good news? Jesus lived a life without sin on our behalf, and then died the painful death our sins deserve. In other great news, the RCSA Awards finalists have been announced for 2022. Woohoo! Those who read my musings on a regular basis will know that…
Annual reviews were about a month ago and you would've been served up with some brand new targets, but why? A certain Egyptian King gave us an insight into why this week 👑
The title of this blog refers to a blog I wrote 3 weeks ago which can be read here. If you can't be bothered to read it or fear that the hyperlink will direct you to that picture of the black fella with the large penis or Rick Astley singing,…
Base salaries are on the rise in our industry, most likely across all industries with demand outweighing supply. Take a look into what recruiters used to expect and what they should now.
Last week my fellow blogger Scott Burnett took me down memory lane with his playful jab at the internal recruitment market. Once upon a time, The Rice Whiteboard was a hot bed of scandalous opinion, hearsay, and on occasion, facts. Perhaps of late, and with age, we’ve become slightly toothless,…