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Wellington Recruiters Finally at Peace with AOG Contract

They say there are five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and, finally, Acceptance.  When Wellington's recruiters had the All of Government recruitment services contract foisted upon them back in 2012, they were told in tender documents that one of the chief aims of the exercise was to cut…
Jonathan Rice
February 12, 2015

Skin in the Game: Recruiters and Tattoos

Am I soon to be the last remaining recruiter left without a tattoo?  With conversation in our own office around Sean Walters' upcoming sleeve tattoo opus joined this morning by news that internal recruiting maverick Mark Sumner is getting himself inked soon too, it's starting to feel that way. When…
Jonathan Rice
January 22, 2015

A Breakin’ Merry Christmas from The Whiteboard

Welcome to the final Whiteboard blog for 2014.  This is going to be a brief one because, quite frankly, I don't want to be held responsible for keeping you away from far more important drinking recruiting activities on this most work-shy of Fridays. One piece of work you'll probably want…
Jonathan Rice
December 18, 2014

New Zealand Recruitment Wrap Up 2014

I’m having to bash today’s blog out in quite a hurry I’m afraid (or maybe that’s a good thing – you decide). Apparently there’s a load of kiwi websites down this morning, and with this blog being one of them, there’s not much time to write. Thanks to everyone who…
Jonathan Rice
December 12, 2014

The Demise of Reference Checks

My week has been filled with reference checks.  Giving references.  Taking references.  Four references for one candidate and still no offer.  One reference  for a candidate with an immediate offer.  Nominated referees not returning messages.  Un-nominated referees begrudgingly giving references.  Extra long references peppered with drilling-down questions thrown up by…
Jonathan Rice
November 27, 2014

Recruitment By Numbers

What an incredible, full-on, action-packed week for #NZRec: 2 - international recruitment conferences held right here in Auckland 5 - keynote speakers from the US of A 2 - MC's from Wellington 270 - delegates from the #NZRec community, and beyond 82,596 - emails tackled by frazzled delegates on Wednesday…
Jonathan Rice
November 20, 2014

Regulating Recruitment and other Blind Alleys

I received one of those phone calls this week, the kind that, being a recruiter of recruiters, I occasionally have to field.  Due to the immediately-obvious highly strung and peeved nature of the caller's voice I made a note of her name the moment she introduced herself, so that I…
Jonathan Rice
November 13, 2014