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Recruiters, Get Your Heads Out Of The Sand And Embrace The Future

The squeeze is on.  Recruitment agencies are doing it tough right now.  The entire recruitment landscape post-recession has changed and for many it is a weird moonscape causing a great deal of displacement and discomfort.  January was a particularly sluggish month for recruitment with many key client decision-makers taking virtually the whole (rain-soaked)…
Jonathan Rice
March 1, 2012

Blogging and KPI’s Just Don’t Mix

For a number of reasons that I won't bore you all with this is going to be a very quick Whiteboard blog post today.  Oh yeah, I can hear those sighs of relief down the back there.  Look I know I can be a bit verbose sometimes but come on, this…
Jonathan Rice
October 20, 2011

A Candidate’s Ignorant Rant

We get a bad rap in recruitment.  Sometimes we invite criticism onto ourselves by failing to feedback, follow up or communicate with candidates.  The biggest mistake you can make as a recruiter is to tell a candidate you will do something, and then fail to do it.  A bit more…
Jonathan Rice
October 13, 2011