This blog started off as a review of 2020. However, being that this is my last hold of the Whiteboard marker for 2020, and that a 2020 "round up" is a stupid idea for a blog, I've decided to be slightly self-indulgent. Firstly, I should preface that I am no…
What are the factors that rec cons and job seekers must have in order to accept an offer? Things have changed in recent times, have your hot buttons shifted?
Not all lies are created equal. Sometimes we lie to save our own skin. Sometimes we lie to be kind. And other times, we lie to ourselves. In the most part, recruiters have a reputation for the telling the kind of barefaced porkies we’d tell our parents when disappearing off…
Nothing tastes as good as recruitment feels! Another slightly misleading headline but you'll have to click on the article to find out what I'm going on about 🎣🤗
Well guys, I've finally done it. I've taken the plunge. In my defence, I've always had a slightly polarised relationship with commitment. Contrary to what many ex-girlfriends would say, I actually wouldn't describe myself as a commitment-phobe. I'm just a fan of "extensive research" before signing my life away. For…
In the week an interesting alternative approach to contingency recruitment was presented to me. An enigma wrapped in a mystery surrounded by a recruitment process. If you've found yourself asking Who is The Sourcerer? We've done the extensive search, for free!
Hello again, 'tis I. This week is Sean's turn on The Whiteboard but given he got married on Tuesday in a very on-brand, esoteric and contrarian ceremony, I am filling in while he and his new wife contribute handsomely to New Zealand's domestic tourism output. Given the lack of detailed…
Today, the obvious blog topic would be about the impending election. However, I realised this morning that I had no appetite for writing such a piece. Perhaps it's the God-awful televised debates. Or maybe the number of old, white, unemployed men on LinkedIn telling me to vote for that rat…