Hello it's me again. Sean managed to escape Auckland a couple of days before the v.2 Lock came Down and he's quite sensibly remained on his travels of the South Island (unlike some of his fellow travellers who went all moths to a flame when Level 3 got announced and returned to…
Recruiters get a fair amount of heat for ignoring stuff. Whether it be towards persistent yet non-placeable candidates, or internal recruiters on perpetual voicemail, we have an infamous and well-documented history with the ol' silent treatment. In many cases, it's a skidmark on on the Y-fronts of what should be…
This was the week ladies and gentleman. Although many recruiters will tell you different, this was the week that I saw the first signs of economic recovery. Perhaps more 90s landing strip than 70s bush, for the first time since lockdown, I've got the sense that those little green shoots…
Changes in NZ government have led to some interesting conversations in the office. What can we in recruitment glean from Mr. Muller's recent departure?
2020 sure has been one hell of a ride. Before we get into today's blog, I just wanted a quick recap of events leading up to our current situation. There's a lot to get through, so take a deep breath... Australia sets on fire, USA and China argue, fuel prices…
"The devil makes work for idle hands", or so Edwardian factory owners like to tell us. And judging by the current market, it is not just those involved in steam powered weaving that this applies to. In our industry, there are currently two types of recruiters; those who have more…