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Candidate Care


Best year EVER!

It's been a tough year sure BUT we have reasons to be cheerful! As this is the last blog of 2020 I want to go out on a less depressing tone 😁
Scott Burnett
December 18, 2020

Hot Buttons!

What are the factors that rec cons and job seekers must have in order to accept an offer? Things have changed in recent times, have your hot buttons shifted?
Scott Burnett
December 4, 2020
EmploymentHuman ResourcesPolitics

Maybe if we just ignore it…?

Recruiters get a fair amount of heat for ignoring stuff. Whether it be towards persistent yet non-placeable candidates, or internal recruiters on perpetual voicemail, we have an infamous and well-documented history with the ol' silent treatment. In many cases, it's a skidmark on on the Y-fronts of what should be…
Sean Walters
August 7, 2020
Human Resources

The problem with References

I love the sound of references being taken. Like the first sight of a rain cloud to a Waikato dairy farmer, it heralds an imminent change of circumstances. Thankfully here at Rice HQ we've had a bumper week, so there's been plenty of "for the purposes of the privacy act..."…
Sean Walters
February 21, 2020