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A New Year Heralds New Recruitment Firms

*** This is a re-post of the article originally posted on 13th January 2017 but was stolen by evil space invaders. Thanks to the genius of Rob Gordon for recovering this! *** Welcome back recruiters of New Zealand, or whoever else, or wherever else you may be. For it it…
Jonathan Rice
January 30, 2017

Calm Before The Storm

2016 was mental. Do you remember? Or is it all a distant memory already? Mentally busy, that is, for many of us in recruitment. I know it was mental in many other celebrity-deaths, global-politics, underdog-sporting-heroes kind of ways but I'm here to talk about recruitment. Many agencies posted strong results,…
Jonathan Rice
January 19, 2017

Emoji Recruiting…

...Or more specifically, recruiting for an emoji translator. Fancy taking on an assignment like that? Us recruiters in New Zealand are typically more resourceful and innovative than most. Out of necessity, due the small size of our talent pool, we have had to develop sourcing and recruiting skills with a…
Jonathan Rice
December 15, 2016

How to Handle Resigning

Today's blog post comes to you sandwiched between last night's RicePowWow and today's office party (followed by my football team's Christmas drinks) so please forgive me if I sound kind of distracted. And husky. Why do these things always require so much talking? Not that many of you will notice,…
Jonathan Rice
December 8, 2016

The One Lesson Recruiters Can Learn from Trump

This isn't a blog post about Donald Trump. The biggest political story in over a century has been commented on by people with far more insight and erudition than me, and I'm sure will be for weeks and months to come. Especially as we start to witness the unfolding horror…
Jonathan Rice
November 10, 2016
Human ResourcesRecruitment

The Mental Impact of Recruitment

There's a common refrain in recruitment used to describe the rollercoaster ride of emotions it can subject its practitioners to, "Champagne and Razorblades..." This phrase is most frequently rolled out at the checkpoints in a recruiter's working week, at the pinnacle when a senior candidate accepts an offer and a…
Jonathan Rice
October 27, 2016

Vend Recruiters Designing the Art of Rejection

The differences between agency and in-house recruitment are well documented.  Age old fables like in-house recruiters hating sales, not "cutting it" in agency land, or being more admin focused have rubbed shoulders in recent years with more progressive ideas of recruiters preferring a broader strategic approach versus those with a…
Jonathan Rice
October 13, 2016

Look At Me, I’m A Recruiter

We live in a vainglorious world.  Technology has brought us the phenomenon of selfies and social media provided the platform for us to share our pouting selves with all and sundry.  Even in recruitment we talk about how essential personal branding is to be a successful recruiter these days, whatever…
Jonathan Rice
October 6, 2016

Cutting Drug Deals with Recruitment Deals

Rumours have been swirling around Auckland's recruitment community this week after a story emerged in the Herald at the weekend about a cocaine sting at a hairdressers in Newmarket.  It appears as if the hairdresser, a fashion designer, and a patched gang member have been using the business as a…
Jonathan Rice
September 29, 2016

Is Recruitment More EQ Than IQ?

When I was back in the UK recently a random story popped up on the news that grabbed my attention. Having been beaten at Scrabble by my Mum the night before, and grimacing as I kept a lid on my trembling ego, I was naturally alerted by the announcement of…
Jonathan Rice
September 22, 2016