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It’s The Size That Counts

Well that's how it seems over here in the UK recruitment industry anyway. After three weeks immersed into the London recruitment scene and many recruiter conversations over coffees, teas, beers (and one dangerously purple beetroot juice), the sheer scale of the UK recruitment market seems to feature in every encounter.…
Jonathan Rice
September 8, 2016

Why Brits Make Good Recruiters

Happy Friday everyone. Well actually it's Thursday here as I'm bringing you the second in the UK series of The Whiteboard. But I'll just pretend to keep up appearances if you don't mind. After more than a week immersed back in the UK culture, plus several conversations with recruiters in…
Jonathan Rice
September 1, 2016

The Farce of Verbal Reference Checking

I flew to England last weekend on something of a busman's holiday that, when factoring in the unscheduled landing in Bali to jettison a sick child and consequent rush through Dubai airport to make the connecting flight, was pretty much 28 hours on a plane.  This provides an unbridled opportunity to…
Jonathan Rice
August 25, 2016

Gridlocked Auckland is Holding Up Recruitment

I have long bemoaned, in true whinging Pom style, Auckland's lack of infrastructure to handle the rapidly growing population of NZ's largest city. Traffic in Auckland has gone beyond a joke. Whilst the forests of orange cones festooning our clogged arterial routes suggest a significant game of catch-up is being…
Jonathan Rice
August 18, 2016

Trust Me, I’m A Recruiter

Quick one from me today as I'm more snowed under than the South Island.  I enjoyed an article shared by SEEK yesterday about Trust in the Workplace and the startling statistic that 83% of kiwis did not trust all of their colleagues.  It got me thinking about the recruitment industry…
Jonathan Rice
August 4, 2016

Commoditising Candidates in Competitive Times

Hello again.  I'd rather have started with "Talofa" but my recent holiday to beautiful Samoa seems to sadly be a distant memory already! Whilst I can wholeheartedly recommend switching off from "the grid" and shutting down all mobile devices and sources of news to achieve a truly relaxing break, you…
Jonathan Rice
July 28, 2016

Are You A Narcissist?

Last weekend, whilst sailing in the Waitematā Harbour, I met John, a child psychologist. Perhaps surprisingly, this was a social occasion and not an intervention organised by my worried parents. I, being a recruiter, found out his profession before we’d even got out of the marina. John, being a psychologist,…
Sean Walters
July 7, 2016
EmploymentJob Boards

Jobseekers Swipe Right

There's been a lot of interesting stuff shared by commentators from our recruitment community this week but something that really stood out for me was the article shared by Mark Sumner revealing SEEK's large investment in the so-called "Tinder for Jobs" app Switch. Just like the prefix "Uber for..." denotes…
Jonathan Rice
June 9, 2016

Why You Should Care Less About Candidate Experience

Out of the soporific hum and chit chat of last night's Auckland Recruitment Meet Up there sprung a surprisingly vigorous debate. The team at Beca, lead by the ever-suave Richard Long, got everyone up on their feet. The purpose: To position our bodies in different zones of the room denoting…
Jonathan Rice
June 2, 2016