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I Recruit Therefore I Phone

I enjoyed this recent article from NZ recruiter Karl Harenburg reminding us of the importance of picking up the phone.  It sounds so obvious yet we appear to have reached an era of such information overload that I think it really is the only way to cut through all the…
Jonathan Rice
May 3, 2016

What to do when Recruiters Quit

Recruiters quit.  It happens and, as job-hopping throughout one's career becomes ever more accepted, it will doubtless happen with increasing regularity. The question for recruitment company owners and Directors is how to handle the news.  There are a multitude of scenarios in which recruiters quit their jobs, of course, and…
Jonathan Rice
March 3, 2016

Rise of the Planet of the Agencies

I'm reading a book at the moment called All Day Long - A Portrait Of Britain At Work by Joanna Biggs.  I'm only onto the third chapter but already I can tell it's going to be a fascinating read, something to reveal how my home country has changed over the…
Jonathan Rice
February 11, 2016

Finite’s Purchase of 920 Coincides with OCG Exodus

One of the more persistent rumours within the New Zealand recruitment sector became reality this week.  I first heard mutterings that Australian privately-owned "top three" IT recruitment provider Finite were close to making an acquisition back in October last year.  After what must have been some protracted wranglings and negotiations…
Jonathan Rice
February 4, 2016

What Has Become of Social Recruiting?

I'm sensing a groundswell of existential angst out there in the blogosphere.  My favourite blog, and one that very much inspired the style and approach of my own early forays into blogging almost 6 years ago, is Arseblog.  It may sound like a cross between a suppository and a sex…
Jonathan Rice
January 28, 2016

Human Clouds on the Horizon

Hello recruiters of New Zealand and beyond, it's just lovely to see you again.  We're still in that fuzzy period where our brains reluctantly haul themselves away from holiday mode and try to fit themselves back into the world of work.  For many, it's even harder than squeezing our lightly…
Jonathan Rice
January 14, 2016

Farewell to a Tumultuous Year in Recruitment

There's something of the "last day at school" vibe in the air today.  Even though there are still, officially, four days of work next week, there's a fair number of recruiters I've spoken to who are hanging up their sourcing gloves for the season today.  As is usually the case…
Jonathan Rice
December 17, 2015