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Itchy Feet

What is to be done with all these recruiters leaving? One agency has an innovative solution. Thank me later for the image used, the free-to-use ones were truly horrific 🦶🏻🤮
Scott Burnett
July 1, 2022

Target Practice

Annual reviews were about a month ago and you would've been served up with some brand new targets, but why? A certain Egyptian King gave us an insight into why this week 👑
Scott Burnett
May 6, 2022

Interview Prep School

Interviewing, it's all about the questions you ask and importantly don't ask. Here are some pearls that I would recommend asking in any interview and ones to best avoid.
Scott Burnett
March 11, 2022

Recruitment’s Unsettling Truth

Happy New Year readers. Although some would argue I’m 3 months late, if you’re anything like me, there’s only one “new year” which I celebrate and/or commiserate. Last Thursday, we marked the end of the financial year with the first Rice PowWow in what seems like an eternity. 80+ semi-pissed…
Sean Walters
April 9, 2021