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Job BoardsRecruitment

New Zealand’s Bravest Recruitment Firm

It's been a great week, dominated by us here at Rice Consulting hosting Ross Clennett for his Recruitment Masterclass series of events in Auckland.  Thanks for your efforts and expertise Ross, and a huge thanks to everyone involved in the events, we hope you found them valuable, informative and enjoyable.…
Jonathan Rice
March 15, 2012
Job BoardsRecruitment

2011 SARAs – SEEKing Credibility

Aaah the SARAs.  Seek's Annual Recruitment Award roadshow rumbled into life in Auckland last night and didn't disappoint.  Great venue, great canapes, great company.  Formal chit-chat, followed by swiftly concluded bestowing of awards, followed by a gradual descent into alcohol-fuelled chest thumping, substance abuse and illicit dance floor liaisons that are…
Jonathan Rice
November 10, 2011
Job BoardsRecruitment

SEEK Price Rise Causes Online Backlash

Last weekend the Emirates Stadium in North London was the scene of widespread discontent amongst several sections of the Arsenal fan base.  The cause of this sentiment was not just the fact they lost their last home game of a stalled season to Aston Villa, but also due to the…
Jonathan Rice
May 19, 2011
Job BoardsRecruitment

Croquet and Pimms at the SEEK Estate

SEEK did something quite unexpected yesterday.  They hosted a very pleasant, convivial, civilised and not-at-all-brash garden party at Alberton House the “SEEK Estate” to host a range of clients, recruitment and corporate, to say thanks for our business.  How jolly decent of you SEEK and thanks for having us all…
Jonathan Rice
March 10, 2011