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Telephone vs Email in Recruitment

Phone or e-mail?  Which form of communication works best in recruitment?  It's an age old argument that will have many recruiters gushing forth their own pre-conditioned response that the phone, of course, is the best and most effective tool for communication.  I wrote a blog over a year ago reviewing…
Jonathan Rice
July 21, 2011

Smoke Cigarettes to Bill More Fees

A new smoking debate made big news in New Zealand this week with the Auckland District Health Board, who employ more than 10,000 people, looking to implement a policy whereby they will refuse to hire smokers.  Obviously, this stirred up great plumes of dissention from the nicotine-stained parts of the…
Jonathan Rice
July 14, 2011
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

Gender Pay Equality in Recruitment

And so, surprise surprise, the Chief Executive of the Employers & Manufacturer's Association (Northern), Alasdair Thompson, was finally sacked by his board this week after a radio interview in which he attributed the gender pay gap to women's monthly period pains and childcare requirements.  For those of you living under…
Jonathan Rice
July 7, 2011

A Deepening Irrelevance of RCSA New Zealand

Has anyone from New Zealand paid and registered for this year’s RCSA “International” Conference in Port Douglas?  I put inverted commas around the word international because it is something akin to how the US national baseball league is called the “World Series”. You can dress it up how you like…
Jonathan Rice
June 30, 2011

The Knotted Tie: An Obituary

I have an announcement to make that won't come as much of a surprise to many of you: The tie is dead. It used to be that a knotted silk neck tie formed the very essence of a male recruiter's appearance.  The suit, the shirt, the shiny shoes, the oversized watch…
Jonathan Rice
June 2, 2011
Job BoardsRecruitment

SEEK Price Rise Causes Online Backlash

Last weekend the Emirates Stadium in North London was the scene of widespread discontent amongst several sections of the Arsenal fan base.  The cause of this sentiment was not just the fact they lost their last home game of a stalled season to Aston Villa, but also due to the…
Jonathan Rice
May 19, 2011