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EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

Monday Bloody Monday

We are all creatures of habit; get up, work, sleep, repeat. We feel more at ease when we have a plan and structure in place something that gives us a sense of not only purpose but accomplishment. The ascendancy of my career in recruitment was rife with structure; core hours,…
Scott Burnett
June 28, 2018
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

Are We There Yet?

When pitching a new role to a candidate, what is the most important factor to them? Is it money? The cost of living, and Auckland house prices especially, would suggest that this would be the logical answer. And certainly, when you're recruiting recruiters, many of these bon viveurs have particularly…
Sean Walters
May 10, 2018
EmploymentHuman ResourcesUncategorized

The Key To Access

This week I am writing about something dear to my heart, even though my beloved Liverpool FC have all but secured their place in the final of the Champions League I will refrain from gushing with pride and potentially leaving me open to egg on my face. I’m talking about…
Scott Burnett
April 26, 2018
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

Smoke and Mirrors

Not being a full-fledged smoker myself I must say I am partial to the occasional puff after a couple of craftys and if the Pow Wow smoking area is anything to go by then I am not alone. Remember that episode of Friends when Rachel misses out on important business…
Scott Burnett
April 5, 2018