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The Worst Sales Call in Recruitment

This post is kind of the like the opposite to those cold-calling sales scripts you sometimes see in recruitment.  You know the ones foisted upon you by recruitment managers who typically still use Blackberry phones, sit in a cubicle, and have egg down their paisley tie.  The ones designed to increase your…
Jonathan Rice
July 16, 2015

The Recruiter Virus

Recruiters are under attack.  And no, not necessarily from the legions of disgruntled jobseekers and aghast HR departments who are our traditional detractors.  This time it's from those lovely people who try to eke out an excuse for a life sending computer viruses from dark rooms in darker corners of the…
Jonathan Rice
July 2, 2015

How Honest Can Recruiters Afford To Be?

The notion of "no publicity is bad publicity" was severely put to the test by Annette Sleep of O'Neil's Personnel last weekend.  Telling a candidate for one of her vacancies that she couldn't represent her to their client because she had children in daycare, and would probably end up taking…
Jonathan Rice
June 25, 2015

Candidate Power Returns With A Bang

Some real life examples of poor manners and behaviour from candidates of ours in recent days: Cancelling interviews one hour prior, via email, because they feel they have "enough options to consider already" Postponing interview via text, never to be heard from again Promising to attend interviews with clients even…
Jonathan Rice
June 4, 2015

Local Recruitment For Local People

I've blogged a few times before about the deterioration of the traditional recruitment models and the need for today's recruiters to evolve and develop their offerings to meet the changing demands of clients in the future.  So it was with great interest I read about Auckland recruitment firm Razzbri launching…
Jonathan Rice
May 28, 2015

Triumph and Disaster: How Recruiting Mimics Sport

I'm often reminded of the close ties between the roller coaster world of recruiting to the giddy, emotion-laden world of professional sport.  The ups and downs of running a recruitment desk and steering a recruitment business through the choppy waters of business appear, to me, tightly woven with the same…
Jonathan Rice
May 21, 2015

Maxims for a Modern Recruiter to “Get On”

Have you ever wondered how we managed to cope in the pre-internet years?  Without being bombarded with constant streams of cleverly curated content, compiled into numbered lists (for ease of consumption, and to get more hits), about how to do this and that better, smarter, cheaper, faster?  How did we…
Jonathan Rice
April 30, 2015