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It’s Tough at the Top

This week saw the resignation of Leader of the Opposition and former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Bill English. In language common only to politicians and sports team managers, Bill will be looking forward to "spending more time" with his family, and pursuing as-yet-to-be-announced endeavors outside of politics/football. Again in…
Sean Walters
February 15, 2018

A Week of Winners and Losers

Quick one from me this week as I'm off on me 'olidays after today (as I'm sure many other recruiters with kids are also planning on doing too!)  For the rest of you, enjoy the free flowing traffic for a couple of weeks and try not to get too frustrated…
Jonathan Rice
July 6, 2017

Farewell to Two Amazing Recruiters

Companies that use blogs to talk about how awesome and amazing they are don't really get what the whole point of content marketing is about and are surprisingly adept at swiftly turning off their already meager audience.  Which is why over seven years of blogging I have very rarely ventured…
Jonathan Rice
June 15, 2017

Emoji Recruiting…

...Or more specifically, recruiting for an emoji translator. Fancy taking on an assignment like that? Us recruiters in New Zealand are typically more resourceful and innovative than most. Out of necessity, due the small size of our talent pool, we have had to develop sourcing and recruiting skills with a…
Jonathan Rice
December 15, 2016

How to Handle Resigning

Today's blog post comes to you sandwiched between last night's RicePowWow and today's office party (followed by my football team's Christmas drinks) so please forgive me if I sound kind of distracted. And husky. Why do these things always require so much talking? Not that many of you will notice,…
Jonathan Rice
December 8, 2016

5 Premier League Lessons for Recruiters

I'm excited.  For all of the tawdry, bloated, surrealism of the modern day English Premier League football competition there really is nothing like it for sheer sporting excitement and Monday talking points around the water cooler.  And it's back, finally, once again this weekend. To honour the occasion I'm going…
Jonathan Rice
August 11, 2016

Sourcing Eggs

No Whiteboard blog this week for it is Good Friday, as I'm sure you well know.  I'll be busy hiding eggs and such forth so from me and all of us at Rice Consulting, Happy Easter.   Now go put your finely honed sourcing skills to good use and go…
Jonathan Rice
March 24, 2016

Wham! Bam! Thank You Spam

I received an interesting email this week. Although we work hard on “getting out there”, like a cold beer when your mouth feels like Ghandi’s jandal, it’s always refreshing to receive an enquiry from an as-yet-unheard-of new client. Especially when it’s a referral from a “business acquaintance”. Lacking the good…
Jonathan Rice
February 25, 2016