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All of Government


Wellington Recruiters Finally at Peace with AOG Contract

They say there are five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and, finally, Acceptance.  When Wellington's recruiters had the All of Government recruitment services contract foisted upon them back in 2012, they were told in tender documents that one of the chief aims of the exercise was to cut…
Jonathan Rice
February 12, 2015

Seven Month Itch – AoG revisited

The big news in our industry last year was undoubtedly the shenanigans in our capital city resulting in a panel of 40+ recruitment suppliers onto the All of Government recruitment services contract.  After what eventually descended into a bitter and acrimonious RFP process characterised by finger-pointing, points-scoring and pants-dropping by many…
Jonathan Rice
April 18, 2013

Sir Graham Henry Embraces Recruitment

Those of you browsing these pages this week for updates, commentary and salacious gossip around the awarding of the All-of-Government recruitment contract will be sorely disappointed.  Surely you are all aware that the MBIE "would just like to remind you of the continued requirement as to confidentiality and commercial sensitivity…
Jonathan Rice
August 30, 2012
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