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Candidate Care


Let’s Hear It For The Resourcers

It's still early days, but I'm starting to sense something of a power shift in the finely balanced egos and nuances of the recruitment agency hierarchy.  A quiet revolution is building, a revolution taken to the preening, strutting, client-facing business developers by the hitherto subservient candidate managers and resourcers. Particularly…
Jonathan Rice
August 6, 2015

How Honest Can Recruiters Afford To Be?

The notion of "no publicity is bad publicity" was severely put to the test by Annette Sleep of O'Neil's Personnel last weekend.  Telling a candidate for one of her vacancies that she couldn't represent her to their client because she had children in daycare, and would probably end up taking…
Jonathan Rice
June 25, 2015

Recruitment: Your Fantasy Career

Once again, The Whiteboard marker is in my hands this week. Promising Jon that I’d avoid any controversial topics, my beady eyes were drawn to the recent “is she/isn’t she black” race scandal currently dominating most media channels. For those living under a rock or running too many unreliable temps,…
Jonathan Rice
June 18, 2015

Candidate Power Returns With A Bang

Some real life examples of poor manners and behaviour from candidates of ours in recent days: Cancelling interviews one hour prior, via email, because they feel they have "enough options to consider already" Postponing interview via text, never to be heard from again Promising to attend interviews with clients even…
Jonathan Rice
June 4, 2015

Maxims for a Modern Recruiter to “Get On”

Have you ever wondered how we managed to cope in the pre-internet years?  Without being bombarded with constant streams of cleverly curated content, compiled into numbered lists (for ease of consumption, and to get more hits), about how to do this and that better, smarter, cheaper, faster?  How did we…
Jonathan Rice
April 30, 2015

Tales of Candidate In-Experience

This week's exposure to recruiter-bashing came at a business networking function I attended earlier this week.  A conversation with a very entrepreneurial-minded lady wound it's way from her upbringing in New Zealand, to her life overseas, and her "work" history littered with strange, bizzare and barely credible business ventures.  In her…
Jonathan Rice
March 12, 2015

Regulating Recruitment and other Blind Alleys

I received one of those phone calls this week, the kind that, being a recruiter of recruiters, I occasionally have to field.  Due to the immediately-obvious highly strung and peeved nature of the caller's voice I made a note of her name the moment she introduced herself, so that I…
Jonathan Rice
November 13, 2014

10 Universal Recruitment Truths

With your usual blogger currently sunning himself in Samoa wearing nothing but his Arsenal budgie-smugglers, the whiteboard marker has once again been thrust in my direction. Not only do I have the responsibility of an 800-or-so word blog by the Friday morning deadline, I’ve also been intrusted with running the…
Jonathan Rice
July 10, 2014
Job BoardsRecruitmentSourcing

Zapping Jobseeker Spam

There's been a ton of publicity over the past week or so since Zappos announced their new careers page Zappos Insider and the fact they will no longer be posting vacancies on job boards. What has been widely acclaimed as a brave and game changing move (but something that Air…
Jonathan Rice
June 5, 2014