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Job BoardsRecruitment

2011 SARAs – SEEKing Credibility

Aaah the SARAs.  Seek's Annual Recruitment Award roadshow rumbled into life in Auckland last night and didn't disappoint.  Great venue, great canapes, great company.  Formal chit-chat, followed by swiftly concluded bestowing of awards, followed by a gradual descent into alcohol-fuelled chest thumping, substance abuse and illicit dance floor liaisons that are…
Jonathan Rice
November 10, 2011

A Candidate’s Ignorant Rant

We get a bad rap in recruitment.  Sometimes we invite criticism onto ourselves by failing to feedback, follow up or communicate with candidates.  The biggest mistake you can make as a recruiter is to tell a candidate you will do something, and then fail to do it.  A bit more…
Jonathan Rice
October 13, 2011

The Return of Candidate Arrogance

This didn't happen to me.  But it is a story related to me recently, and one that I can relate to very well.  The candidate was booked in for interview.  On paper they looked good for the role the recruiter was trying to fill and the phone screen had revealed encouraging…
Jonathan Rice
August 25, 2011

Cover Letter Fails Meet My Delete Button

Wow.  Friday already.  These short weeks are great aren’t they?  Australia had Tuesday off as well so I doubt many of them even bothered engaging the work side of their brains this week.  Just think of all the extra temp hours generated in New Zealand this week over our Aussie…
Jonathan Rice
April 28, 2011