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The Trolling Of Recruiters

The internet has given rise to many amazing things that have helped make the world a more connected place. But for all the positives it is undoubtedly balanced out by a lot of downsides too, not least of which is the platform it has afforded complete and utter idiots to…
Jonathan Rice
February 23, 2017

Vend Recruiters Designing the Art of Rejection

The differences between agency and in-house recruitment are well documented.  Age old fables like in-house recruiters hating sales, not "cutting it" in agency land, or being more admin focused have rubbed shoulders in recent years with more progressive ideas of recruiters preferring a broader strategic approach versus those with a…
Jonathan Rice
October 13, 2016

Why You Should Care Less About Candidate Experience

Out of the soporific hum and chit chat of last night's Auckland Recruitment Meet Up there sprung a surprisingly vigorous debate. The team at Beca, lead by the ever-suave Richard Long, got everyone up on their feet. The purpose: To position our bodies in different zones of the room denoting…
Jonathan Rice
June 2, 2016

Apparently Jobseekers Hate Recruitment Agencies

There's always been a general air of agency-bashing permeating the recruitment industry, well certainly there has for the decade of my involvement anyway.  Usually it's just a general sense, anecdotal evidence, Chinese whispers, a subtle roll of the eyes when a newly-met acquaintance learns what it is you do for…
Jonathan Rice
April 7, 2016

Maxims for a Modern Recruiter to “Get On”

Have you ever wondered how we managed to cope in the pre-internet years?  Without being bombarded with constant streams of cleverly curated content, compiled into numbered lists (for ease of consumption, and to get more hits), about how to do this and that better, smarter, cheaper, faster?  How did we…
Jonathan Rice
April 30, 2015

Regulating Recruitment and other Blind Alleys

I received one of those phone calls this week, the kind that, being a recruiter of recruiters, I occasionally have to field.  Due to the immediately-obvious highly strung and peeved nature of the caller's voice I made a note of her name the moment she introduced herself, so that I…
Jonathan Rice
November 13, 2014